
Garden Tree is an asset management firm headquartered in New York that invests in healthcare, real estate, and digital assets. 

We utilize our expansive network of deep relationships industry-wide at every vertical to add value by employing a hands-on approach to investing with a proud track record of effective execution with creative solutions determined by transaction-specific requirements. 

One of the main reasons humans form civilizations and animals do not is that humans have a superior ability to communicate information and act accordingly; meaning a better ability to establish meaningful relationships. CS Lewis noted that the Golden Rule shared by all great civilizations is reciprocity, wherein we trust the other and honor the other’s trust in us, which depends on giving our word and keeping it. As the late great Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks put it, with a mutual pledge of loyalty and trust between two or more people, each respecting the dignity and integrity of the other, parties can work together to achieve what neither can achieve alone.

As such, our guiding principle is conscious capitalism: our success helps our whole ecosystem of stakeholders flourish – our partners, investors, clients, vendors, lenders, attorneys, brokers, and employees.



Real Estate

Digital Assets

Why ‘Garden Tree’?

“I will set down a tale as it was told to me by one who had it of his father, which latter had it of his father, this last having in like manner had it of his father—and so on, back and still back, three hundred years and more, the fathers transmitting it to the sons, and so preserving it. It may be history; it may be only a legend, a tradition. It may have happened, it may not have happened: but it could have happened. It may be that the wise and the learned believed it in the old days; it may be that only the unlearned and the simple loved it and credited it.”

– Mark Twain, from The Prince and the Pauper

Myth: noun – a traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.

At the height of the Persian Empire, the crown persecuted its Jewish citizens, especially prominent families with traditions tracing their lineage back to the monarchy of King David.

A lady from one of the surviving families was pregnant and was due to give birth, so she went into hiding.

One night, the king dreamt he was standing in a beautiful garden with rows of blossoming fruit trees, holding a gleaming axe. He cut his way through the garden, one tree after another, until he arrived at the last tree in the garden, an inconspicuous sapling in the corner. The king raised his axe overhead, when a tall, thin, old man stepped out from behind the tree. In a sudden powerful and fluid motion, he grabbed the axe and held it to the king’s neck. The king froze, and begged for mercy from his mysterious captor; whom he could now see had a faint glow.

“You have destroyed my beautiful trees, down to the last root. Why do you ask for mercy, when you have none yourself? Swear to guard this sapling until it fruits, and I will let your line continue in return.”

The king swore the vow and woke in a cold sweat.

He called his cabinet together, but none of the ministers could satisfactorily interpret the dream, so one adviser suggested they approach the sages who had become political prisoners. One of the sages offered a possible interpretation.

He suggested that the garden represented the House of David; and that the old man was King David himself, intervening to save his last remaining heir from the king’s clutches.

The king knew this lined up with what he’d seen and what he’d done, and gave orders to find the child.

With tears in his eyes, the old man spoke softly: “The boy hasn’t yet been born, but I know his mother, and I know where she is – she is my daughter. The government murdered her husband, and she has been hiding since.”

Immediately, the king freed the political prisoners, suspended all his unjust and discriminatory measures, and requested that the old man bring his daughter to the palace so that the crown could care for her and her child.

She gave birth to a son, who was raised with the finest tutoring and wanted for nothing. Under the watchful gaze of his mother and grandfather, his family’s values, ethics and traditions combined with his formal education, and the boy grew up to be a kind and worthy leader of his people.

They called him Bostenai – “Garden Child.”

Source: Wikipedia

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